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Name: Sandra Turnage
Date: 07/12/2009
Message: Wish I lived in WA so I could make a visit to the shed!

Name: Jenny Edwards
Date: 07/05/2009
Message: Auberry CA

Name: Marjorie W. Moe
Date: 07/04/2009
Message: Discovered your site name by reading Birds & Blooms. Too late this year to order but expect me to order next. Can I possibly reserve something for 2010? I would like to reserve the "Iris Chryographes" Black Form. This is for my daughter Who collects Iris's. She lives at Lake Roosevelt in Eastern WA Zone 3 It woould be shipped When available. I would pay for it now. Sincerely, Marjorie W. Moe Thank you

Name: Cindy Keaton
Date: 07/02/2009
Message: I bought Karma Choc, Chocolate mint and Salvia from you at the Flower and Garden Show...I'm sure enjoying them. Thank You I really enjoy looking at your on-line catelog.

Name: Lorie Hurley
Date: 06/21/2009
Message: Very interresting, A chocolate garden i will have to grow one.

Name: Andrea Tobaben
Date: 06/13/2009
Message: I read about your chocolate flowers in Better Homes and Gardens. The idea is wonderful!!! I am going to keep checking back and hopefully get some chocolate columbine and Irish Molly viola. thanks from Nebraska!

Name: K. Berry
Date: 05/25/2009
Message: I forgot to make a suggestion ! How about experimenting with chocolate strawberries ??????????

Name: Kathleen M. Berry
Date: 05/25/2009
Message: You have a wonderful site and farm ! This is awesome.

Name: gloria Keithley
Date: 05/24/2009
Message: I just discovered your store, thanks to the Seattle Timesl Living in France with the $ so weak and postage so high, a great resource for US gift giving. Is a great place, and I do love chocolate. Gloria Keithley

Name: Pam Wolff
Date: 05/22/2009
Message: We used to live in the Seattle area. We retired and live in Roseburg, OR. We will come and visit your farm the next time we come to Seattle. Your website is awesome. I need deer resistant plants.

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    Chocolate Flower Farm
    5040 Saratoga Road, Langley, WA  98260


    Copyright © 2025 Chocolate Flower Farm. All rights reserved.