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These are the eggs from our 10.20.24 hatching. The dark chocolate are from Precious, our Blue Copper Marans shown below, crossed with our Blues Brothers, Jake and Elwood, also shown below. The olive eggs with dark chocolate dots are from Dottie our Moss Egger crossed to Jake and Elwood as well. The resulting chicks from Moss Egger crossed to a Marans are called Next Gen Moss Eggers and the resulting eggs will be a richer dark olive brown with each generation cross.
Our chickens are Marans, a breed from France that lay the darkest chocolate colored egg of all chicken breeds. Marans come in many colors but it is the Black Copper Marans that are known to lay the darkest eggs off the Marans breed. In 2024 we were able to purchase chickes from Alchemist Famr in California of a new line of Blue Copper Marans that lay as dark an egg as the darkest Black Copper Marans. We hatched out the eggs from the Blue Copper Hen "Precious" that layed the darkest eggs (crossed to our dark egg laying Blue Copper Marans roosters, also of the Alchemist line of darkest egg genetics) and we are now offering the birds from those hatchings so you can add dark egg genetics to your flock.
When you cross a Blue Copper Marans hen to a Blue Copper Marans rooster the resulting chicks can be either Blue Copper, Black Copper or Splash (white with dark dots or brown and black/blue splotches). We will be retaining the Blue Copper hens from this batch but will offer up all others and we will begin offering Blue Copper Hens with our 2005 hatchings. Even though the birds are different colors they are all hatched from the dark eggs from Precious and should lay as dark an egg.
In additon to Marans we are working on breeding dark olive green/brown eggs from our Moss Eggers (dark olive eggs) crossed to our Marans roosters. The resulting birds from this cross are called Next Generation Moss Eggers and their eggs and the egg genetics of those roosters will be a next level of dark olive. We will select the hen that lays the darkest olive/brown egg from this batch to continue Next Gens until the resulting eggs are a rich dark chocolate color. and are our own special line of Chocolate Egg Layers.
Their listings say "Free Shiping" however we do not ship birds. They are all for farm pickup only. We have to put that on the listing so the website does not add a shipping charge
Precious, our Blue Copper Marans that lays super dark chocolate eggs
Our roosters, Jake and Elwood. The Blues Brothers
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Chocolate Flower Farm
5040 Saratoga Road, Langley, WA 98260
Copyright © 2025 Chocolate Flower Farm. All rights reserved.
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